Keeping Warm while Keeping Fit

Exercise can help prevent and reduce symptoms of arthritis, dementia, depression, and fatigue. As the weather gets colder, it's ever more important to keep our bodies moving and blood flowing.

You don't need to have a load of fancy exercise equipment or spend hours in the gym.

Use canned food or water bottles as dumbbells/weights, keep the arms moving while watching tv, or even as added weight for a tough powerwalk!

Put on some music and have a dance around the house, or put some music on as you go out for a walk, add some pep into your step!

Go for a stroll, speedwalk, or even a jog! Research shows that even a five minute stroll gets the blood moving and brain pumping.

Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, and even some forms of Aerobics are nice and gentle ways to get moving. Kithbrooke even offers these as classes, so check in the Clubroom for schedule.

Swimming is also incredibly good for the entire body, and luckily Kithbrooke has lovely hydrotherapy pools so you don't have to brave the cold.

Another easy one is adding a few repetitions when you get up or down from a chair, sitting and rising a couple times.

With all this, make sure to listen to your body, stop if anything hurts, and think outside the box to find creative ways to keep warm and active, whilst having fun.