Tai Chi at KPCC!

Have you attended one of our regular Tai Chi classes? 

There are many great benefits related to the practice. Arthritis Australia endorses Tai Chi as both a helpful preventative measure and as a treatment for those with pain and stiffness. 

They highlight that research shows the practice can decrease stress, increase muscle strength, especially in the lower body, and improve balance and posture. 

BetterHealth Victoria shows the physical benefits of Tai Chi, and how they can also translate into mental benefits. The tai chi movements can be loosely described as shadow boxing or ‘shadow kung fu’ in slow motion. Regular practice can increase flexibility and strength, and improve cardiovascular fitness. The emphasis on correct posture means that tai chi can instil a greater awareness of the body and how it moves through space. Tai chi is also a form of meditation. 

Tai Chi is a gentle exercise, born as a martial art, and the classes we hold can be adapted as needed - so don’t fret if you've never done it before! Our brilliant Tai Chi instructor, Mary, has plenty of experience and knowledge to ensure you're getting the most out of each class. 

If you’re interested in more of the benefits of Tai Chi and the research, click the links below to read more!



And if you’re really curious, the Tai Chi association of australia has a whole list of different research articles, from the benefits of tai chi to the different types, as well as history and instructive articles! https://www.taichiaustralia.com/articles.html#taichi